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From the Field

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Thank you for your prayers for us and the work in this part of the vineyard.Thank you for your prayers for us and the work in this part of the vineyard.

A year has passed since changing our place of residence from El Mene to Yaracal. That is only eleven kilometres, but Yaracal is a largish town, mainly supported by some small cheese factories. The work here dates back to February 1964 when visiting brethren commenced gospel meetings and a Sunday School work. We have been busy over the years, continuing where others have left off.

In 2003 we purchased two allotments here, and in 2004 we started building a big hall. Help was given by believers from other assemblies. The hall has never been officially opened, but has been in use for a number of years. We have built an apartment in the back corner of the allotment and shifted here. It is more central and better for us. God has blessed the work and a number have been saved and baptised, and they are now part of the assembly.

The 18th of February saw the commencement of the assembly testimony here in Yaracal, with some 35 in fellowship plus another ten or so attending constantly. We celebrated a week of special prayer meetings, two weeks of Bible Study and two weeks of gospel meetings before then, and after the special day a week of giving of praise for the blessings received.

We had a good number of visitors join us for this special day. Approximately 430 broke bread, with some twenty observing. Lunch was served for all, and then two couples were commended to the work of the Lord. One young couple is going to work in the Amazon part of the country, and the other towards the western side of Venezuela. They come from two adjoining assemblies. Numbers swelled to over 600 for this special occasion. Various other couples have been or are to be commended to the work here and in neighbouring countries.430 broke bread, with some twenty observing. Lunch was served for all, and then two couples were commended to the work of the Lord. One young couple is going to work in the Amazon part of the country, and the other towards the western side of Venezuela. They come from two adjoining assemblies. Numbers swelled to over 600 for this special occasion. Various other couples have been or are to be commended to the work here and in neighbouring countries.Venezuela is going through difficult times with prices soaring and food becoming scarcer and scarcer. 

Medicine, car parts and tyres are difficult to obtain. Thousands are leaving the country daily, looking for a better life. Some have gone to Colombia and are meeting with the saints there.

The Easter conferences are now behind us. There were two in Venezuela in Aroa and Valencia, where approximately 900 and 2200 met to listen to the ministry of the Word. Another was held in Sincelejo, Colombia, where some 200 gathered. Having to wait for the granting of our Venezuelan visas and the birth of Fernelis and Alberto’s daughter, it was impossible that we could attend any of them this year.

Whilst with Fernelis for a month, I attended and helped in meetings in the two local assemblies. I also shared a week of special gospel meetings using a chart that a brother painted for me back in 1986. There were 40 – 50 in each night with the house full to overflowing.

Our health is not so good, and because of cataracts I cannot drive at night time. This limits us but a neighbouring brother helps out when he can.

We commend you each one to God and the Word ofHis grace.


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