One week left to share something extra with our missionaries this Christmas via the Christmas Gift Fund.


Legacies and bequests have been supporting the AMT ministry and missionaries for many years. Leaving a gift in your will allows you to make a financial contribution to the Lord's work beyond your lifetime. Such bequests allow AMT to make special provisions for missionaries and mission projects that normally would not be possible.

If you would like to consider making such a gift, why not speak to your solicitor abut putting the details of a bequest in your will. The wording for such a bequest should be the following:

I/we give, devise, and bequeat

<insert details of bequest here>

to AUSTRALIANS IN MISSION TOGETHER (ABN 11 000 761 571) to be applied to its objects as the Board of Directors in its discretion may decide and I/we declare that the receipt of the said Australians in Mission Together shall be sufficient discharge of same.

Remember to give details of the bequest, either in a percentage of the estate, in a dollar amount sum, or in specific items of personal and/or real property.


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